
Monday, November 30, 2020

The year is over 2020 #My reflection

This year has come to an end yah! It has been fun but not really because of all of our muddled up terms and different teachers. But my favourite thing about this year 2020 was all the different sports and learning how to play volleyball. Well, I had to write a reflection for my report it's short so hopefully, u like reading this.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Did you know there are different types of text? These texts can have different purposes too.

Different text types are all around us. In class, I had to work with others to create a presentation that shows different text types and the purpose of the texts. 

My working with other skills are:
Think about the task 
Discuss our plan
Make sure we all have a job
Talk about it
Make sure we agree on everything
Help each other with our work
Deligate jobs

Friday, November 27, 2020

Here is my self - asses persuasive writing that it did

 I have done my self - asses all by myself I think I did well and I also so my hardest and best to do my writing to here we go here it is my self - assess writing

Hey you yes you. Do you have a healthy diet? well if you don't your in luck because if you read this you would get some ideas of how to have a healthy diet or how to get/stay on a healthy diet so read this

In class, I have been learning how to write arguments about health. I have written a persuasive argument on healthy choices. I have used punctuation and tried to put them in the right place and I have tried to persuade use but I did my best to do that. I have also tried to self assess my writing and yeh. PLZ GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK ABOUT THIS THANK YOU and here is my writing:

I think eating whatever you want when you want is not the best healthy option because it can affect your body and your immune system I think?. I think all school children around the world should understand how to make good healthy choices and parents should realize that they are feeding their kids unusually unhealthy foods. I will try to persuade you to make wise choices. 

 Bad decisions have bad consequences 

The first reason why children should have good food choices is whether their decisions have consequences. According to junk food eating a horrible diet like sugary foods and processed meats likely be diagnosed with a bit of depression. Also, treats and fruit can affect your teeth. We all should know that nutritious diets are very pleasant for your health, above all it is essential for mouth care. 

 Food groups 

 You should eat all of the different food groups that are the best healthy options for you, If I were you I would choose to eat those so I can have a healthy diet and so you don’t go fat. Another reason you should have good choices is for your benefit for your health and to keep your body in shape. Most people think that the fruit group is the healthiest group but actually it isn't. I will tell you why, because the fruit group is low in energy, high in fiber and water. But I think that the vegetable group is the best option because veggies provide the vitamins and minerals we need for a good healthy body. 

 Wide variety of foods

Another reason why you should make good choices is our bodies need a wide variety of food like the food plate. In my opinion, I think it shows/tells you about many different foods to eat. They are called in grains, veggies, meats, fruits and lastly treats. So how do we fuel our bodies with a wide range of different foods & healthy foods too?. So how can we do that? Here is what you need to do you need to: Eat plenty of vegetables, including different types and colours, Legumes/beans Fruit Grain foods, mostly wholegrains and/or high cereal fiber varieties, such as bread, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, and oats Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans Milk, yogurt, cheese, and/or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat. All these foods are very good for your health and body. So please try and use these for your health because you don’t want to get sick and probably die and try to use all these foods and drink plenty (heaps) of water. 

 Lastly, not having a healthy diet throughout your lifetime could probably get you diseases, get sick, and all the other things. Your body relies on the stuff you put into your body to grow. If you put in the right foods in your body you will grow and be healthy but if you put the wrong foods down your throat then your body wants to develop right. Not fuelling your body with the right foods then your body will be in a different shape and your body wants to work with you. You get the idea, do you?


 In conclusion, children around the world who know how to make good food choices will probably live a long healthy life. So I say to the parents stop putting rubbish, trash processed foods in your child's mouth and I say to the child make your own food choices because we only have one body and I believe that everyone should stick to a healthy diet so us kiwis in New Zealand will be nice and healthy, fit, strong and not getting sick from all the different stuff that we eat and diseases. Make sure you eat lots and lots of healthy foods and an option if you don’t know what to eat healthy then you can use the 5 food groups you don’t have to but I think it’s the healthiest thing you can use for you to have a healthy diet and your body can be in the right shape.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Let's learn more about coding!!

 Week 2 we went to Waitangi to learn more about coding it was fun and my favourite thing was playing bullrush. I HOPE YOU ENJOY READING THIS!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Labour day!!

 We have been learning about Labour day and what it means. So our teacher gave us some questions on Labour day and we had to read an article for information. Here is the article link click on this for the Labour day information and what we read.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

My term 4 writting

This term 4 I have been writing a moment in time. I am learning to use punctuation and where to put them I think I am at level 4. My story is about when I was at my friend's house riding the quad with my friend's cousin it was so scary I almost died.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Ring of invisibility

 This week in Devotions we have been learning about the Ring of invisibility and integrity. In this thought experiment, we will explore from a biblical perspective.

Sunday, November 1, 2020


 This year we went to Volleyball in week 1 we took to teams one girl teams and one boys team the girls went on Thursday and the boys went on Friday it was a fun game we had 4 games on both teams we all lost one the boys & girls. But we played hard for our school and for Jesus.

Learning how to Add and Subtract unlike fractions

 Last week in class we have been learning and focusing on how to do, unlike fractions. When my Teacher (Whaea Lana) taught me how to do unlike fractions it was not easy for me but now that I'm getting and getting way more confident at unlike fractions. I have had lots of lessons and the Success Criteria has been helping me.