
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Finding the shaded area of a triangle

 In class, we have been learning about finding the shaded area of a triangle. It was hard to do but today it we got more help on it and I started to understand. The success criteria is a three-step problem

Here are the success criteria on how to do it:

1. Find the area of the rectangle which it times the length by the height

2. Find the area of the triangle, half the base (the base can be anywhere) then times it by the height it has to be perpendicular to the base 

3. Then subtract the 2 answers you have then you will have the answer done


 Term 2 in class prime 4b and prime 5b have been learning about the area of triangles. I thought it was gonna be real easy but when I did it, it was hard it was harder than all maths but then when my teacher was teaching got it I'm kind of good at it but kind of not.

Here's my math poster I did on triangles

Monday, June 28, 2021

Tukutuku panels

 In class term 2 we made tukutuku panels to make them we used: a needle, wool (any colour) and a pin. If we wanted to make them then we had come up with a story. I hope you enjoy looking at mine.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Fair testing

Estuaries play an important role in a healthy environment. They are the connection between land and sea; they are teeming with life - the nursery of the sea. Rivers carry nutrients out to the estuaries and into the sea, but what happens if too many nutrients are getting into water systems and estuaries?  Our class is doing a science project to see if the effects of too much nutrients in our estuaries caused by a farm run-off. 

Book review Charlotte's web

 By Mahina 

Book review Charlotte’s web

This is a chapter book. I'm writing about it and what I think it is about.

Charlotte's web

During school and at home (for homework) I have been reading Charlotte’s web. I think this book is mostly about Charlotte the little spider that can write words in her web and no one believes the little girl that’s trying to tell them that Charlotte the little spider can actually write in her web no one believed her, even her own family. They didn’t give up so at the end of the story made Charlotte write something for the pig contest and then when it was their turn to present to the crowd everyone finally believed the little girl.

E.B White wrote this book. He's a good author and he actually was the first-ever man to write this book. He got an award in 1970 for his children's book.

I think this chapter book is a narrative. I recommend everyone should read this book/movie because it's a cool book to read and the book is way funnier to read because it has more detail in it. If you think someone is lying but don't even know then ask them to show you and you can see if it's true or not. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

How to make a Ukutangi

 Term 2 in class 27th May 2021, before we went to the planetarium our other teacher Whaea Raechel taught us how to make Ukutangi. The class happy to make one also most of the class thought it was going to be really really easy but when got into the whole class including me needed help everyone was Whaea Whaea Whaea can you help me, please. It was just a shamble, When I was doing it, it was very very very hard. 

How to make a Ukutangi

How to make a Ukutangi

Do you know how to make a Ukutangi or puoro, as some people call them? Well, I call them Ukutangi. We made Ukutangi in class with our teacher. Ukutangi is a traditional Maori music instrument; it can be used to make music to worship our God.  Also, they have been used to send messages, marking the stages of life and call out to our Atua (God). This one fact that inspired the Maori used the Ukutangi for the Ukutangi can calm people down. The Ukutangi kind of sounds like an old kuia at the marae crying. You need certain ingredients to make a Ukutangi. The ingredients are: Air drying clay and water to keep it moist and so it doesn’t go hard. In this explanation, if you go further on reading it will show you how to make a Ukutangi. 

Starting off your Ukuktangi 

Firstly, our teachers sliced the clay into pieces, there were two different colours of clay: red and white. Our first instruction was to get our clay and half it into two even parts rufly. Then, we had to grab one of the clay halves and roll the clay into an imprint of your pums, then grab one of the halves again and imprint your thumb into the clay and use your indexes and your middle finger to pinch the sides of the clay and rotate it around. You need to keep rotating it until you get thick big sides after you've done that and repeat the same thing to the other half. 

Second part off making an Ukutangi

After, you’ve done molding your Ukutangi into a bowl kind of shape then you grab a toothpick and etch the rim of the bowl. When you have done the etching of both of the bowls then you combine them both together then smudge the line until there is know line. Use your pinky finger like a drill and poking it through the top, poke it through but not right through just until you can get to the space. 


You’ve made it

Finally, you’ve finished your Ukutangi! Make some noise by blowing half your breath in and half out.Now you can have fun and enjoy this traditional gift. Make some noise and teach others how to make a Puoro! There’s your Ukutangi done.

Monday, June 14, 2021

My reading response

This is my reading response on: The science of Rongoa My class and I have been learning how to summarise a text. I like summarising because it's a brief statement of the main point of something, I think I still need more work on it. Enjoy reading my response.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

My recount on what I did on the holidays

 In class, my teacher has been teaching us punctuation and 2a sentences (2 adjective sentences) punctuation has always been always hard for me but I am getting better and better at punctuation. Sometimes I forget where to put my punctuations in the stories. 

Here's my recount I did about what I did on the holidays

 Whangarei Wave Pools

Throughout the holidays the second week on friday, the holiday program and I went to the Whangarei Wave pools. We got there on two buses, a boys bus and a girls bus. They kept the boys and girls separate because Whaea Michael and Komene didn’t want us to be doing Tom and Jerry. So we got there and we came together as one to hear the instructions that Whaea Michael was giving us. We got told the orders and set off to the reception, we had to wait outside for a while so Whaea Michael could pay for all of us. Whaea Michael and Komene did this holiday program to fundraise our kapa haka so it was like 100$ per person and we fundraised a lot. So we went inside and everyone rushed into the changing rooms. We were all like bulls gonna smash down the space, we all got changed and I was the last girl out of the changing rooms. I didn’t realize that I took that long to get changed.

                                              Event 1

We all met outside and there was one more instruction. It was an important instruction. We all listened to Komene because he was telling us the instructions and he declared, “ NO Tom and Jerry! Unless your brother and sister or cousin’s!” Tom and Jerry'' is when you hook up with someone so for Einstein's boyfriend and girlfriend. We all agreed fast because we just wanted to get in the water, so we all rushed into the pools like a slampeed but some of us went to the spa first and I was one of those people. I dipped my foot in the spa. It felt good then I slipped my body in it felt amazing other people joined me. I could tell by their faces that they loved it and they never wanted to leave. But I left because it was getting packed like I mean packed packed, So gaped it and went storming down into the water I saw my friend Ocian in the distance in my head I was thinking should I swim to her or should I tell her to swim to me because I don’t feel like swimming but I do want to get my hair wet. I made my mind up it was to swim to her so I did I swam to her and I forgot there was heaps of people there and I was swimming and I crashed my head into a stranger my head popped out of the water like a daisy my faced shriveled up looking up to her, “sorry” I replied I carried on swimming finally I made it, I mentioned what can we do. She said, “Just play around in the water.” So I took her advice and we started being weirdo's and playing around like 5 year olds dunking each other under the water. Then… the bombing place opened up ocian and I flicked our heads straight to it, “thinking what i'm thinking” I said excitedly.

Event 2

The bombing opened, all the boys bolted up there and there weren't just eight of them there were like 20 of them, my face was amazed by how many boys were there doing manu’s and some of the manu’s almost touched the roof. Then this girl named Harmony came up she was in front of me and ocian we heard a rumor that she can do massive manu’s, Harmony was 1 person behind someone that meant we were 2 people until it’s our turn. It was Harmony’s turn. She was at the edge and jumped; she tucked into a manu boof! The water shot up it was like a bullet shooting out of the water, she came above onto the surface I shouted out to Harmony “Harmony that was huge” It was my turn I so bad wanted to do a manu but everyone was watching like when I looked out and on the side of me I could just see white pupils staring at me it was like they were staring into my soul. Chills went down my spine. I was so desperate to do a manu but bad thoughts came into my head. My bad thoughts were saying you can't manu you suck at manu’s and another bad thought that triggered me was don’t do it you might back slap and everyone will laugh at you. So I made my mind up I chose not to do a manu so I looked over the edge and leaped forward and jumped poof! I dropped into the water. I did a pin. It was fun for me but then at the same time I wanted to do a manu but it didn’t really bother me, so I went up again. I was so confident to do a manu it came upto my turn again I was pumped I wanted to do it so bad I didn’t think about what was gonna happen to me I jumped and did a pin I was to afraid to do it then I heard an announcement the waves are coming on, that meant to me that the bombing place with be closing until the waves stop so I swam like I was swimming from a shark there was 4 people up there including me 1 person jumped then it was my turn the lady said “ if your not gonna jump then i’m gonna close it” all the other people jumped ocian said “ come on I will do a manu but then you will have to do one” I replied with a sy “fine” she went then I went after I did I came above the water with a huge smile on my face screamed to ocian with excitement “ I did it I did it, it was very very fun” I wanted to go again but we had to go. So I left the pools with a massive smile on my face.

In summary, my favourite part of that day was doing a manu with my best friend and playing around with everyone and making memories. That was the best day ever, also my other favourite part of the day was food that was yum!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Trip to the Planetarium

On May 27th, 2021 my class and I went to the planetarium in Whangarei to learn more about the solar system and stars. My favorite part about that trip was when we were in the 2nd room because we got to relax on the chairs and just look up at the stars and learn, and the year 5&6s came with us.